Saturday, January 29, 2011

Snow Day!

We have had SO MUCH snow in NYC! I have yet to see solid ground without snow in 2011. Crazy! Finally - FINALLY - we got a snow day.

It - was - amazing!

I woke up and cooked myself a nice omelet breakfast.
I mopped the floors - go me!
I ran 3 miles.

Then I went to the park. A snow day without playing in the snow is not a proper snow day. It is seriously like reliving childhood... only a childhood I never really had.

Snow day adventures at Central Park.

We had 5 different snow ball battles. We began amongst ourselves and soon planned attacks on other groups. The snow was PERFECT for snowball fighting. I must say, snowball fights are underrated - they are amazing.

There was this kid we called "Fresh" because his sweatshirt had a "fresh" logo on it haha. This little 8 year old was obsessed with attacking us haha. At first we were like... we can't attack an 8 year old - that ended pretty soon. Attack was on. (pictured above)

Then we went sledding. So fun!!
Ended the park fun with some hot coco. Greg had the brilliant idea of putting a mint tea bag in the hot coco - it has never tasted better in my whole life!

Here's the crew:

Later that night, I ended up going on a first date with one of the guys from the group. :) We went to a Moroccan restaurant by my house - he ordered delicious, indulgent things that I hadn't had the experience of having before. I really enjoyed it. I also love the conversation of getting to know somebody - such a beautiful thing.

Amazing day.

Snow days are the best days.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

time warp.

Last night I cozy up in bed to do my reading around 10:00.

I wake up, surely to the sound of my alarm. I see the clock - oh no! Its 4:50! I'm late! I throw on my clothes, rapidly bush my teeth and I'm out of the door by 4:55. Today was a 4 mile run day so I knew I needed to maximize gym time, so I hauled it to the gym.

Why are there so many cars out? Busy morning... How odd...

10 minutes later I get to the gym.

Where's my lady that so sweetly greets me each morning?
Why are there so many people here?!

Oh shit. It must be 6:00, not 5:00!

Damn... how did that happen... did I oversleep my alarm?

I guess I'll just have to shower.


That clock says 11:10. 11:10? 11:10!?!

Lady says to me, "Are you ok?"

"Is it 11 at night or 6 in the morning?"

"I sure as hell hope its 11 at night."

Time warp.

I've never been more confused by my body in my entire life.

Time warp.

Monday, January 17, 2011

I'm awesome.

Before I begin, I'd just like to shout out 2011. It has been, and continues to be, a good year. So far this year has exemplified the creation of happiness. Generally speaking, you have to "build your reality" so why not choose an awesome one? To take the things you can control and make them the best possible versions of themselves; to ignore or settle with the things you cannot.

And now, to the point. I'm awesome.

Generally speaking, I don't think I come off as conceited and I don't think this statement necessarily shows that. We are all awesome, in our own ways, and we should feel free to own that.

A while back I was talking to Tracy about dating and she said (roughly speaking) "I don't get why I have to worry about dating and finding a boy... why can't I just concentrate on how awesome I am and enjoy my life?'

At the time, in my just-broken-up-and-feeling-lonely state of mind, I was envious of her but truly did not agree. To me, I thought "Yeah, that's nice but I really just want someone."

Envy no more. I am living Tracy's sentiments out. Oddly enough, attempting to date via match made me realize three things:
1. I had fun meeting people, and the whole dating thing was exciting... but
2. I'm happy with my life as it is. Yes, a man would be a nice addition... but I can honestly say that I don't need it. And that feels really good.
3. I like meeting people authentically. I think my brief experience with match showed me that it is a great sight and powerful way to meet people... but it doesn't live up to the real deal (for me anyway).

My plan for 2011 did include dating... and I think it still does. I'm still open to it, but I'm going to plan on just letting it happen as it happens.

I'm awesome. You're awesome.

Let's go be awesome.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

taking action.

Don't like something? Fix it.

So far in 2011, I'm taking action.

1. Joined going on a date on Thursday! Crazy... I don't know if I'm ready for it all to happen... but gotta take some risks and put yourself out there right?

2. "Lets hang out" - I've already made more of an effort to do this... I'm excited. Hanging out with two good friends tomorrow!

3. Working out. The bus that picks me up to go to my gym is SO unreliable. So then I end up standing outside in freezing weather and it never comes! And then I get mad and I don't work out. NO MORE! Today, I switched gyms. I'm going to a gym I can walk to.

4. I feel confident in my ability to stay till work until 6 and then completely leave it behind when I leave the door. I realize it's only been a day... but it's a good start! haha work-life separation here we come.

Making changes.

Feels good.