Tuesday, April 12, 2011

new minor obsession.

I bought this book Thursday and I can't put it down! I'm borderline obsessed.

My friend Brittany is also reading it and I love being able to talk about it to her! (She's actually who recommended it to me.) We're going on a movie date when it comes out. And the movie looks just as fantastic as the book.

Eeek I love good books.

4 days till spring break in Portland!!

Side note: Can I have the beautiful spring sun and warmth without the icky spring storms?


  1. i loved that book! i can't wait till the movie comes out

  2. I JUST finished that book! It was so good! I didn't know a movie was coming out!!! I hope it comes to Ireland before 2034

  3. i cant wait for the movie to come out either! preston and i are going to see it as our second movie experience.

  4. Up with the Elephant! Down with the ringmaster!

  5. I saw the preview for the movie last night....it looks AWESOME!! I may just have to buy the book...
