Monday, October 14, 2013

365 Denver: 61-70

Day 61
 Thursday, October 3
Skyping with Heather!  It is always sooo lovely to see her beautiful face.  Although it makes me miss her even more, it helps to make the distance less burdensome. Love love love.

Day 62
Friday, October 4
So excited to see C!!  We met up with Lauren for dinner and drinks at the Cherry Cricket (often voted best burger in Denver) and met up with some other friends at The College Inn - both very close to where I live!  I love exploring this city, but most of my friends live on the west side (I live on the east side) so its especially nice when we explore by me!

Day 63
Saturday, October 5
I thought we'd have a nice fall hike... but then we drove into winter!  A snowy hike with C & Sal and then over to Oktoberfest with friends!  Sally wore her sweater and was adored by all.

Day 64
Sunday, October 6
Pumpkin patching & a BBQ with coworkers.  A lovely fall day.

Day 65
Monday, October 7
NO SCHOOL! Fall break - for some reason we did it today instead of Columbus Day...
Sal and I walked to Einstein Bros. for a whole wheat bagel with pumpkin cream cheese, coffee, and HP.  Delightful. 
Not having a car was quite frustrating today...

Day 66
Tuesday, October 8
Volleyball with a new attitude!  So there is this asshole on my team who always talks shit to me and makes me feel like crap.  But after talking about it with C I had new found confidence (and some beer didn't hurt either).  And it worked! I felt so much better about the whole session.
Afterwards, enjoyed some pizza from Fat Sully's with J - delicious and also located near me!

Day 67
Wednesday, October 9
12 days later I HAVE MY CAR BACK!

Day 68
Thursday, October 10
New cold weather running outfit!  And a much needed run with Sally. 

Day 69
Friday, October 11
Dubuque Fest of the West.
Dubuque is a nice little town in Iowa, and all the people from there who live in Denver get together once a year to celebrate the town with this strange little party.  Here are some Dubuquers.  I won a raffle too!  Cards that say "You're not a Dubuquer if you can't play euchre."  An entertaining, albeit strange evening.

Day 70
Saturday, October 12
OU v Texas - a disappointing game to say the least, but I managed to (easily) convince a few friends to come out to the OU bar in Denver!  It was a festive event with themed brunch items like the McTexassucks egg sandwich & Bradford Biscuits (& gravy).  
Later this evening was the Great American Beer Festival!! But it deserves a post of it's own.

1 comment:

  1. 1. I really love these updates, Laura! It makes me feel a little closer to you :)
    2. What a cute running outfit!
    3. Sally's sweater is adorable, as usual.
    4. Harry Potter always makes things better :)
    5. I want to check out that OU bar so much!!! I've tried to find one in Orlando, but the Alumni situation is sparse compared to what's apparently in Miami :(

    Miss you!
