Saturday, January 11, 2014

365 Denver: 151-160

Day 151
Wednesday, January 1
Hair of the dog followed by a lazy day of watching Dexter.

Day 152
Thursday, January 2
Watching the Sugar Bowl at the OU bar in Denver.  BOOMER SOONER!!

Day 153
Friday, January 3
Another day spent nursing the hangover with Dexter.
Then we went to Punch Bowl Social at night.
Denver is full of so many fun places.  It really is a fantastic city for young adults.

Day 154
Saturday, January 4
Volleyball tournament!  The asshole on our team bailed out half-way through because we lost our first game... such a pathetic adult tantrum.  But the rest of us celebrated our losses with beer and football. :)

Day 155
Sunday, January 5
Skiing.  At the bottom of the mountain it felt like -25... I was freezing, sore, tired, and grumpy, so I left after about 2 hours.  Can't win 'em all.

Day 156
Monday, January 6
Back to work...  very disheartening.  Today I was emotionally defeated.  The work is never done, I always feel guilty for what more could be done, all the work that does get done goes largely unappreciated (and often times destroyed by shitty and disrespectful behaviors), and no matter what I do, too many of them will still be behind their suburban peers who come into school knowing that letters are different from numbers and the color red is called red.  

Day 157
Tuesday, January 7
Welcome back, kiddos.  One teacher was absent so they divided her class between us, so I had 21 boys and 6 girls... and they were a hot mess.  You could not have gotten me out of school fast enough.  Today, I hated teaching.

Day 158
Wednesday, January 8
Work could not have been more of a contrast... I loved teaching, loved the kids, loved the school, etc.  It is striking how differently I feel about my job on any given day. 
One of my resolutions was to cook through a cookbook - Martha Stewart's Dinner at Home. 
More like Martha #2: Hoisin Glazed Hen, Citrus Cashew Salad, and Jasmine Tea Kiwi.

Day 159
Thursday, January 9
Worked all night... could not wait to get in bed with Harry.
Sally couldn't wait either!

Day 160
Friday, January 10
After a draining week, pizza, beer, and a movie was the perfect Friday night.
And skyping with Brad for a few hours!! 

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